San Diego
My grandma moved to San Diego over the summer, I believe it was in July or August. Before that she lived in LA. I visited her weekly when I am home over breaks, or at least I did. And then she moved and I started school and it somehow became January of the next year. Finally my parents and I set up a weekend for my sisters and I to visit her and see her brand new home.
I flew home Friday morning. Josh picked me up from the airport and we went to his school. We ate lunch at his super cute university and then we worked on homework in the library. It was so cute experiencing like the studying and homework and library date that most people do with their significant others but we sadly haven't. Thankfully we got to experience it for a few hours and then we packed up and headed out. We went to Downtown Burbank and walked around for a bit. Did some window shopping and got free Porto's. We went to the Morphe store lol I know he had so much fun in there. After some walking we went to his house to drop off his stuff. We then went to Pieology. Our first time either of us had been there. I have tried Blaze and he has tried Pizza Rev and we both agreed, Pieology was better than either of those. It was GOOD!!! We highly recommend. We then went grocery shopping with his mom lol and I was dropped off at home.
Saturday morning my sisters and I woke up and took a greyhound from LA to San Diego. It was about $20 or so for each of us, pretty good price in my eyes. We got on the bus from LA at 9 AM and arrived in San Diego at noon. We made I believe two stops, one in Santa Ana and one somewhere else I don't quite remember. From Downtown San Diego where the Greyhound stops, we hopped on a trolley, the blue line, $2.50 per ticket and headed to Chula Vista. This is where my grandma resides lol. It took about 20 minutes or so to get to the specific stop we were trying to get to. She picked us up and we saw the house! Oh my it's lovely. We then spent the day with her just watching tv, catching up, looking at the house and eating Jack in the Box. It was great.
On Sunday we woke up semi early and got ready to go eat breakfast at my great aunt's house. My grandma was the only one of her siblings that lived in LA, everyone else is in San Diego. When I was smaller we would go all the time to San Diego to visit her side of the family but we hadn't been in years. So when we got to my great aunt's house it was the first time seeing a lot of them in a very long time. It was lovely being welcomed by such a big family though. I ate bacon and quest fresco (lol yes I ate it alone) and pancakes. We caught up with everyone slowly but surely and just basked in the memories. My parents then got there and we headed back to my grandma's. She showed them around the house and they caught up and then we headed out. It was sad to leave but now I know we'll go more often after figuring out how to get there.
My parents and my sisters and I headed to Hodad's. Our favorite place!!!! We got there and ate and talked about our weekends. It was nice hanging out with my family. I loved it. I missed them all so much. We shopped for a bit after eating and then headed home. We made it basically home when we stopped for donuts haha. We got home and watched some tv and then we said good night. I came back to school the next day in the morning :(.

This weekend was so much fun. It made me so grateful for my family and Josh and my grandmother. I thought it was going to be hard because of my grandpa but it wasn't. It felt good to get some closure. I am excited to continue to visit my grandma now. And I can't wait until I see my parents and sisters again.
Thank you for reading this whole post. I know it wasn't the most eventful or informational but it was very personal. This post was very close to the heart and I just wanted to commemorate this great weekend. I will see you all next weekend.